Thursday, March 29, 2012

2 months old.

I'm a few days late (1-26-12*) but my goodness, my baby girl is 2 months now! Sayuri is growing oh so fast! The past few weeks has been quite a bit of a roller coaster but I'm happy to say she's doing better. More stronger than ever! And now, sleeping through the night. Score!

(Sigh) Don't grow too fast lil' mama.

Monday, March 26, 2012

moving on up!

I'm happy to say that things are finally coming together. After Sayuri's birth, Gabe was offered a better job position as an account manager (he works for Coventry Healthcare). When I heard the news I was extremely proud of him! He's worked so hard and it's been noticed! You don't even know how much we needed this. You can say we are the typical family living off pay check to pay check. We barely have any money saved. With his new position we can pay off our debts faster, we will be able to save a substantial amount and not worry about 'do we have enough to pay the bills on time'.
I just feel some weight has lifted off our shoulders. Now, with 3 kids our expenses was reaching our limit. But I'm so glad we don't have to worry about that anymore.
Even though this year started off hectic, I see that our life will definitely get better.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

more added stress

After my last post, Sayuri had to get an x-ray done since she was more congested and wheezing. Turns out her cold turned into bronchilitis but they treated it as pneumonia since big sister, Nozomi had it. A few days after that I pulled something on my left side and was put on bed rest and I had to stop breast feeding because the pain meds I had to take will be harmful to my daughter. By this time I was emotionally drained. It was one thing happening after another. But thank God, my sister decided to stay another week :)

Also, I come to find out on her one month check up that Sayuri has plagiocephaly and torticollis because of that she needs physical therapy. And she had her first physical therapy last week and she did better than I expected. My poor baby has been going through a lot in her first few weeks of life. She's my little fighter and I know she'll pull through.

By Saturday, the girls were doing a lot better. You know that I was relieved. I hate seeing my babies sick. It breaks my heart. I'm still recovering from this thing I pulled. But I know I will make a full recovery (I'm hoping sooner rather than later).

Nothing but positive vibes from this day on!

running around; going to doctor appointments.
Hideki has grown so much.
Sayuri feeling so sick.
her first hair cut!

Monday, March 12, 2012

sick babies

Last week was extremely stressful and I'm also thinking this week too. I'm trying to balance being a mom of 3, maintaining the house clean and also being a wife (can't forget about my husband). But last weeks chaos had me wanting to pull my hair out. I was a wreck physically and emotionally, especially emotionally. Nozomi has pneumonia and it literally broke my heart when the doctor told me, even though I assumed it was either bronchitis or pneumonia. Before the appointment I told my sister "Nozomi is really sick. I just know something is so wrong. I'm afraid it's either bronchitis or pneumonia". And I was right. A mother knows their child best. Soon after, Hideki got a cold and Sayuri got sick with ear infections. It was back to back, sick babies. It's tough. I felt completely drained and it hurts me that my kids are feeling so ill. I honestly felt helpless 95% of the time, especially with the girls. I felt like nothing made them feel better fast enough.

Nozomi needs breathing treatments 4 times a day for 15 minutes each. Plus, 2 days in a row she had to get antibiotic shots. For over a week, she had high fevers. My poor girl was suffering and I so eagerly wanted to take her pain away. She's still sick but finally getting better, slowly but surely.

Sayuri, UGH! My poor little baby. She's only 6 weeks old and got sick for the first time. I must admit I was so upset. I see her and think "My sweet tiny baby. I just hope you don't get sick until you're a few months old". But having siblings its bound to happen. She has a cough and runny nose and both ears are infected. As a mother I HATE to see my kids get hurt, get sick and I try to prevent those things from happening. But this life is imperfect and things will happen *sigh.

I'm glad my big boy, Hideki didnt get it so bad. He just had a cold for about 3 days and now, he's back to himself. He's been so helpful. I love it! I love how much he loves his sisters and wants to take care of them. It's also, funny to see him fighting with Nozomi. That little girl is such a bully. She's a tough cookie.

In between my kids getting sick, I got sick. Thank God, it was a mild cold because I needed the energy and strength to help my kids to recuperate.

There are so many things to update about but that's all the time I have. Until next time!!