Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Daily Facial Treatment

I always get random people, stop me and ask me "what do you do to have such beautiful skin?" or "you have such clear skin. What do you use?"

Before being a mom, I used ONLY soap and warm water and that was that. But I noticed a change in my skin after having my kids. My nose and chin became oily during the summer and during the winter time my face would get so dry. So, browsing around target. I cam across a Neutrogena cleanser. I was hesitate to buy it but I gave it a try. And out of all the face cleanser by far this is the best one for me. I noticed the difference after a few days. I barely broke out with both the cleanser (power-clear scrub) & hydrating acne treatment. But lately, this summer I was breaking out a lot and now add stress to that, you can just imagine my disappointment. My chin has seen better days *sigh. I still used my neutrogena acne control cleanser and my acne control treatment everyday but when I break out bad, I will also, use my origin mask and honestly the next day my pimples decreased dramatically. I was happy with the results!

  • Okay, ladies...if you don't have a bad breakout you can use JUST the power-clear scrub and the 3-in-1 hydrating acne treatment once a day.

  • When you have a bad breakout, this is what I do. First, the power-clear scrub then the Origins mask and last thing, I use the 3-in-1 hydrating acne treatment. I would use the mask every night until my acne decreases. By day two I see a dramatic change!

  • This is my favorite moisturizer.

  • And these pore strips works GREAT. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

5 months old.

I am so late to post this but with the move and all, has taken up all my time. But  it's better late than never, right? Sayuri started sitting on her own without support, rolling over like a pro, and her all time favorite thing to do is playing with her feet. This little girl loves to eat. She barely makes faces when she eats puree food. She's just growing up in lightening speed and I'm not happy. But I must say, I am enjoying every second with her. She's such a calm baby; very easy going.

4 months 3 months 2 months 1 month