Saturday, April 14, 2012

Love your body

After having 3 babies and knowing 100% we are done trying, I am ready to challenge myself and work my butt off to get to my ideal weight and be fit. Do not get me wrong, I love my new body or should I say, accepted and embraced my postpartum body. But I feel so out of shape and I want my body toned. Those of you that's been following my blogs for years know I've been through so much with my health and adding exercise in my daily routine will be a great benefit for myself. Plus, it does not hurt to look good too *wink.

Honestly, I don't have an ideal weight. I should of said, I want a healthy weight for MY body type. I don't want people to think there's a "right" weight. That's not what I'm saying. Everyone is different and each of us have an idea how we want our bodies to look. We can be healthy at just about any size. We all want to feel comfortable in our own skin. And that's my goal, to reach to that comfort with my body.

Right now, I weigh 137 lb and I plan to lose about 7 lbs and then tone up....everywhere! HAHA. Once I complete my goal,  I will continue to do regular exercise because it will be beneficial for me, to strengthen my muscles and joints. And I truly hope with regular exercise my health will get better.

In these pictures I was 139 lbs. 

The past 2 weeks I've been running around my house. Yes, you've read right...running around my house, LOL. I don't have a gym membership so the next best thing is my front and back yard. It's perfect! I have stairs and my ground is uneven.  First, I stretch about 5 minutes. Then I run 10 times around my house (takes about 9 minutes). I start off at an interval pace then slow down. After I'm done, I stretch another 5 minutes and then Im done. I do this 5 or 6 times a week. If my body starts to act up...I take it down a notch. I highly suggest that we listen to our bodies and not over do it!

I plan on taking pictures throughout my process. So, I can see the changes. 

Let's motivate each other!!

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